
Visualizzazione dei post da febbraio, 2022

Soundscape #15

  immersed in sounds · Soundscape 15.1 09 a.m. Napoli, Italy I woke up in the morning being immersed in this beauty and chaotic soundscape. What you hear in the distance is a band in procession through the city giving advance notice of the incoming carnival. Picture and Sound were taken on February 20, 2022. immersed in sounds · Soundscape 15.2 2 a.m. Napoli, Italy Napoli breathe and comunicate throught its many motos and scooters, especially at night when they could be heard from long distances. Picture and Sound were taken on February 20, 2022.

Soundscape #14

  immersed in sounds · Soundscape #14 - STOP WAR 20/21- 21/22 new year's day immagine being in this chaos, but with real and deadly explosions caused by heavy artillery triggerred by badly influenced human beings. i hope that i would never find myself in a position to record such an horrific soundscape. i hope those kind of foolishness will stop in every part of the planet. it's 2022. the sounds you hear have been recorded in Rome, Italy 2020/2021 and Bacau, Romania 2021/2022 on the new year's midnight.